
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Potato Podimas

Potato, this vegetable is everyone's favourite because its quiet easy to cook and very delicious to eat.A lot variety of potatoes are available in the market . Among those,  the russet and white potatoes are good for our curries.We can prepare a thousands varieties of dishes with this vegetable.Another thing that you can eat this potato in mashed, boiled, fried and even baked form.That's the only reason this single vegetable has a very important role in everyone's kitchen. Potato is  unique because this is the one vegettable liked by all the people arround the world. Potato is very rich in proteins and carbohydrates So eating potato is very good for health. if you are very diet conscious please stay away from this, have it once in a week thats ok then go and  do your workout..

Today i thought i can share a wonderful recipe .Potato "podimas". This is  Tamilnadu dish. If you consider any dish you have some stories or memories behind that recipe,about this recipe i got this from one  of my friend Geeta..Last week she invited us for dinner and she prepared a lot of traditional tamil dishes..Even though all dishes were tasty and delicious, we liked the potato podimas and the karakulambu very much..The very next day i collected the recipe and tried it at our kitchen..It cameout very nicely..My hus really loved that dish (jury of my  cooking).Nowadays it is common in our menu..because its delicious and also very easy to prepare..So try it yarr...I think here in US, people have the another version of the same recipe ..that is mashed potato...

Cooking time : 15 minutes
Cost of the item : 2.99USD/5 Pound bag 

Potato : 4 nos(medium)
Pearl onion : 2 nos
Garlic : 3 pods
Ginger : 1 small size
Green chili : 4 nos
Coconut : 5 tbs
Turmeric Powder :  1/2 tsp
Black gram/uzhunnu parippu/urad dal : 3tsp
Curry leaves : 4 leaves
Mustard seeds : 1tsp
Red chili : 1 nos (optional)
Lemon juice : 1 tsp (optional)

Prior to cooking:

  1. Peel of the skin and then add the Potatoes, Turmeric powder and salt and water(immerse the potatoe into water) in a pressure cooker and cook it for about 2-3 whistle.
  2. You can peel off the skin just after boiling the potatoes.(do not add turmeric powder at this time) just boil the unpeeled potatoes with salt and water..
  3. Cut the pearl onion garlic and ginger into very small pieces .Cut the green chili into 2 pieces.

Step 1:Mash the cooked potatoes very nicely.

Step 2 : Heat oil in a pan, add the mustard seed ,Once it started spluttering add the black gram and red chili.

Step3 :Once the black gram get light brown color add the cut onion ginger garlic and green chili.let it fry for 1 minute then add the mashed potatoes.

Step 4: Stir the mix for 2-3 minutes in medium heat 

Step 5 :Add the grated coconut,stir well.Let the mix to cook for 2 minutes.

Step 6 :Just pour the lemon juice and curry leaves mix well and switch off the heat.

The delicious potato podimas is ready to eat.It would be  nice combination with Chapathi
Cook's tips
  • Do not heat after pouring the lemon juice into the mix.
  • Cook the potato first and peel off the skin ..this is the easy way...
  • Garlic is optional..My friend suggested its the secret ingredient for the recipe..So if u doesn't like the taste just leave it

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kanava Thoran /Squid Thoran/Calamari Thoran

Kanava is the kerala name of  squid  (In English-speaking countries, it is known as calamari - Italian word) .This species is unique in nature because of the structure and texture...About the structure,  it has eight arms arranged in pairs and two longer tentacles and also have a ink sac mainly used to escape from its enemies..If any one of its enemies are in action it produces a black ink and makes the entire environment in black in color so enemies can't see them and also according to the environment it has the ability to change its body color too... 

Usually we are not using the ink sac for preparing any dish but we saw travel channel's bizarre foods by Andrew Zimmerman (our ever time favorite TV show) was eating the squid soup prepared with this ink. He commented about that special dish as " Oh man unbelievable". Sure if we get a chance we have to try that too...Got bored because of my story? Don't worry let's talk about the recipe. Today I am going to share you the kanava thoran recipe.

Kanava Thoran is one of our favorite dish from mom's menu..Especially my brother fond of this squid thoran..we used to have it only with rice other curries u can imagine how delicious our mom's kanava thoran is..I hardly get chance to prepare this dish as because my hus didn't get a chance to taste it before( my in-laws place they doesn't like this fish) and also another thing i thought it is a very hard process to clean and cook..When mom came here we bought this from our Chinese store Cam Asia (a good Chinese grocery in our neighborhood with almost all fish) and my hus got the chance to taste our favorite dish ..He also liked it so much..another thing is that the same time mom taught me how to clean and cook this special food...I think its not a hard job, but we need little patience. that's all. I can guarantee that everyone love this dish..because it has a very unique taste.

Last week we got very fresh kanava from our Chinese this time i tried my mom's recipe and it came out really good...Thanks to my mom..always miss her food..So hope all of you will try and enjoy this wonderful dish.

It is very important to know about cleaning this. You should be careful and follow the four important things given below:
1.Carefully remove the ink sac from the body.
2.There is a stone kind part is there in the should remove that part before cooking.
3.Peel away the skin.
4.Carefully remove the cuttle bone.. (In Kerala it is known as Sea Pen - Kadal Pena)

If you want to know more details about cleaning this squid,visit this link. Actually the person described the cleaning process in a very detailed way..sure it will help you a lot...

Cooking time : 20-30 minute
Cost of the item: 3.99 usd/Pound
Kanava : 1 large
Salt : to taste 
Water : 2 cup
Coconut : 1/2 cup
Garlic : 4 pods
Green chili: 4 nos
Pearl onion : 3 nos
Turmeric powder : 1/2 tsp
Pepper powder : 1 tsp
Coriander Powder : 1 tsp
Chili powder : 2 tsp

For seasoning 
Mustard seed: 1 tsp
Red chili : 2 nos
Curry leaves : 5leaves

Prior to cooking
1.Clean and cut the squid into small pieces

2.cut the pearl onion  into very small pieces
3.split the green chili into 2 pieces
    Cooking steps
    Step 1 : Boil the kanava pieces with enough water and salt.Here, what i did was i cooked the squid using pressure cooker...If you cook this in a vessel it will take long time to cook. If you use pressure cooker, within 2-3 whistle the cooking will get done. (boiled kanava -see the snap). 

    step 2 : make a coarse paste of coconut ,garlic with chili powder ,coriander powder and pepper powder.
    Step 3: Heat oil in a pan ..add the mustard seeds,once it started spluttering add red chili and curry leaves then add the cut pearl onion and green chili,saute for 2 minute .

    Step 4 : Then add the coconut mix into it.Let it fry for about 3-5 minute
    Step5: add the cooked kanava pieces into it.mix the kanava with the coconut mix  stir well and close the pan, let the mix to  cook  about 5-7  minute in medium heat.

    The delicious kanava thoran is ready to have..Have it with rice ...

    Points to ponder 
    • Cut the kanava into very small pieces..that will make the dish more tastier.
    • If you like to make the thoran spicy increase the amount of green chili and chili powder.
    • Do not forget to add salt while cooking the kanava pieces..

    Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    Chicken Biriyani/Kozhi biriyani

    Chicken biriyani -everyone's favorite dish.We can prepare the biriyani in different ways.One of the popular method of cooking biriyani is  Dum method.This is a slow cooking process.Half raw cooked rice and meat is cooking together in low medium heat.Actually slow cooking will give more taste to the food.Especially the food is  getting cooked in the steam.
    Today i prepared chicken biriyani.Most of the people think preparing biriyani is a very difficult process.I think for  the first time you may feel its quiet difficult.once u started doing it 3 or 4 times ,u feel it is just as simple as preparing the  rasam.Experience is the best teacher.
    Biriyani is our favorite dish.I used to prepare this biriyani in special occasion and weekends.Last month we celebrated my hubby's birthday so the special was my Chicken biriyani...Nothing better than home made food right...The best biriyani i always remember  is at Azad hotel at our native place-TVM. Oh my god!  i can still feel that taste...My dad used to bring us to that hotel frequently..Really waiting for our next visit to native and sure we will go there and have the delicious biriyani...and also my cousin sister,she is an expert in Biriyani cooking.Her recipe is quiet simple and we can prepare it with in minutes.Anyhow i will post that recipe in future....
    Hope u will try this recipe...I will try my level best to give a detailed description of the cooking steps...
    Its a 3 tier process.If you follow  each step properly you can also prepare a delicious biriyani. The three steps are:  First, marinate and  prepare the chicken masala Second, prepare rice and Third, make the dum (by making  intermittent layers of chicken masala and rice)...The delicious biriyani will be ready to serve..Don't waste your time, go and try it now...
    Cooking time : 45 minute - 1 hr
    For the chicken masala
    Chicken : 15 medium pieces
    Lemon juice : 2 tbs
    Butter/Ghee : 4 tbs
    Turmeric Powder : 1/2 tsp
    Coriander Powder : 3 tbs
    Chili Powder : 2 tbs
    Ginger : medium size
    Garlic : 4 pods
    Green chili: 4 nos
    Cardamom : 3 no
    Cinnamon: 2 medium piece
    Cloves : 5 no
    Aniseed : 1 no
    Nutmeg : 1 small
    Cumin seed : 1 tsp
    Fennel seed : 1 tsp
    Coriander leaves : little
    Mint leaves : little
    Curry leaves: little
    Curd: 2 tbs
    Onion : 2 medium
    Tomato : 1 big size

    For the rice
    Rice : 2 cup  
    Water : 3 cups
    Cardamom : 2 no
    Cinnamon:small piece
    Cloves : 4 no
    Aniseed :1/2 portion
    Nutmeg : 1/2 portion of one medium size
    Onion : 1 no
    Milk :1/2 cup
    Saffron : a pinch
    Ghee/Butter : 3 tbs

    For garnishing 
    Ghee: 1 tbs
    Onion : 1 small
    Cashew nut : 7 nos
    Raisin : 10 no
    Pineapple : medium size 
    Boiled egg : 2 no 
    Cilantro - 1

    Prior to cooking

    For Chicken masala
    1. clean the chicken, marinate it with lemon juice and keep aside.
    2. cut the onion into thin slices and tomato into 8 pieces
    3. Make a nice paste of ginger,Garlic,Green chili,Cardamom,Cinnamon,Cloves,Aniseed,Nutmeg,Cumin seed,Fennel seed  and mix it with Chili powder,coriander powder and turmeric powder
    For Rice
    1. Soak the rice for 30min -1 hour
    2. Make a nice paste of  Cardamom,Cinnamon,Cloves,Aniseed,Nutmeg and keep aside
    3. Boil the milk with saffron for about 2 minute and keep aside.
    For Garnishing
    1. Heat ghee/butter in a pan add the sliced onion fry until dark brown(donot spoil ) keep aside and fry the cashews and raisins in butter/ghee for about 2 minutes...
    2. Cut the pineapple pieces into very small size.


    Step1 : marinate the chicken with the curd,masala paste (refer the prior to cooking -chicken masala section),Curry leaves,mint leaves and coriander leaves and keep aside for 30-1 hour.

    Step2:Heat oil in a pan,add the sliced onion ,once it get saute add the tomato,once the tomatoes get cooked add the marinated chicken into it and mix well.Let it boil for about 15- 20 minutes in medium heat.

    Step3: By the time heat another pan add the ghee/ butter then add the spice mix into it(refer the prior to cooking -For Rice cooking section),once the raw smell goes off add the diced onion into it fry until golden brown.add the soaked rice into it fry for 5- 10 minutes in medium heat...once the rice get translucent(the rice become transparent,its in a medium fried form) add the water into it .Let the rice to boil...

    Step 4 :In another vessel just add the butter and then add the cooked rice in the next layer add the chicken and then add the rice make the layers according to the amount you have .the top layer of rice add the cashew nuts fried onion  raisins and pineapple pieces...Cover it with a foil paper .

    Step 5 : Preheat oven about 300F for 5 minute and switch off the oven then keep the biriyani vessel inside...Just keep it there for 20-30 minutes... 

    Step 6: Remove the biriyani vessel from the oven and  move the contents into another serving bowl...Garnish with coriander leaves and an egg and a papad

    The delicious biriyani is ready to eat, serve it with raitha...

    Points to ponder 
    • If you are not confident about rice cooking do one thing .. Just cook the rice with enough water and strain it and do the rest of the cooking(Refer For Rice cooking)
    • If you want to make the chicken spicier add more green chili and red chili powder when marinating the chicken
    • If u doesn't have a oven just layer the rice and chicken in a cooking vessel and just give low heat for 5-10 minutes .close the vessel tightly during cooking.
    • Just pour some ghee on the top layer of the biriyani just before dum cooking.

    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    Banana Pepper Fritters/Chili Baji/Mulaku baji

    Mulaku baji a mouth watering and spicy snack and it is very easy to prepare...If u have banana pepper and besan flour (kadalamavu) at handy try it today...Its really yummy with hot tea.Usually i find some time to prepare one or the other snacks on weekends.this is one of our favorite..I used to remember my younger days ,everyday mom used to prepare one or the other snacks in the evening..During our school days we, me and my brother were eagrly waiting to come back to home because at home some special was waiting for us... I think all Mallus have a habit of having something (kadi) with evening tea.Nowadays all are very health conscious and trying to avoid all these kind of foods...Anyhow if u r having these snacks in weekend or 2 or 3 days in a week that doesn't affect ur health...these are better than the frozen foods/burgers & fries...Home made foods are always healthier right? Today because of the heavy snow my hus worked from home so evening i thought of preparing something special for him.We bought this banana pepper for preparing our shrimp thoran.2-3 peppers were there in the refrigerator so quickly i thought today's special snack should be our mulaku baji.. I am not writing more story..Lets explain how to do it. 

    Cooking time : 10minute
    Cost of the item: 2.80/pound

    Banana Pepper : 2 nos
    Besan flour: 1/2 cup
    Chili Powder : 1 tbs
    Asafoetida : a pinch
    Turmeric Powder : a pinch
    Baking soda : a pinch
    Salt : to taste
    Oil : for frying


    1. Cut the banana peppers into 2 slices and then cut them into halves.If u like spicy don't take out  the seeds.
    2. In a bowl, mix the besan flour, Chili powder, baking soda,turmeric powder,salt and asafoetida (kayam)  with water and make a thick batter.
    3. Heat oil in a pan.Just dip the chili pieces in the batter and deep fry..Change the side accordingly
    The tastier Mulaku baji is ready to have...Have it with Tomato sauce.

    Points to ponder 
    • If u like the long sized baji donot cut them into half.Use wide-open pan for frying.
    • The batter should be thick.If u add more water then while dipping the peppers in the batter ,pepper do not get the batter-layer .
    • If you like more spicy add more chili powder to the flour while mixing.

    Monday, February 15, 2010

    Shrimp thoran/Konchu thoran/ Chemmen Thoran

    Today's recipe is Konchu thoran.Its a different style of konchu curry.It's really tasty with rice and also its very easy to prepare . if u have shrimp on stock just try it today .We prefer to use uncooked shrimp that have more  taste compared to the frozen cooked one.You can find the fresh shrimp at almost all the Chinese shop..So if u already bought the cooked one don't forget to shop the uncooked one next time.Hope all of you tried my shrimp fry recipe...We really liked the taste.Just try this sure you will enjoy the new taste.
        Cost of the item : 7.99 usd/30-40 shrimps in a bag
        Cooking time : 20-30 minutes

        Shrimp/Konchu : 1 pound
        Ginger : 1 medium size sliced into small pieces
        Pearl Onion/Red Onion: 10-15 nos/1 medium size
        Coconut : 1 small cup
        Green chili: 3 nos
        Chili Powder : 2 tsp
        Banana pepper: 1 no
        Turmeric Powder : 1/2 tsp
        Small Onion : 5 nos or small slice of medium red onion

    For Seasoning:
        Oil : 2 tsp
        Mustard Seeds: 1 tsp
        Curry leaves: 4 leaves

    Step 1 : Dice the onion into small pieces.Cut the green chili into 2        pieces.Cut the banana pepper into small pieces.Clean and cut the shrimp into 2 pieces if the shrimps are big enough.

    Step 2 : Crush the coconut,Green Chili,Onion (small portion) with Turmeric and Chili powder.

    Step 3 : Heat Oil in a pan,Add mustard seeds,once it started spluttering add red chili and curry leaves.then add the ginger, just saute for  sometime add the banana pepper and onion pieces.. saute well.

    Step 4 : Add the shrimp into the mix and sauté for some time. once shrimp gets light read color add the coconut mix into it. mix all the
    ingredients, add salt too. Stir well.

    Step 5: Add 1 cup of water into the mix. Let it cook about 10 minutes in  medium heat until the shrimp gets cooked.
             The Delicious shrimp thoran is ready to serve.

        Points to ponder:
    •      If you want to make gravy dish, add 1 1/2 - 2 cup of water.  
    •      Use coconut oil for cooking it will make the dish more tastier
    •    Use the pearl onions .If u do not have it in stock use the red     onion     The  pearl onion will give more taste to the dish.

    Friday, February 12, 2010

    Beetroot Thoran/Poriyal

    Beetroot is a commonly used vegetable.As it is a very nutritious vegetable having it any form is really good for health. it's one of our favorite thoran.If you add it in kid's meal sure they will love it because of the sweet taste.Today's special is Beetroot thoran..Just try this sure you will love it..

    Cost of the item : .99cents/Pound
    Cooking time : 15-20 minutes

    Beetroot :1 no
    Pearl onion/onion:5nos/1/4portion
    Green chili :5 no
    Fennel seed : 4 no
    Cumin seed:1/4tsp(optional)
    Grated Coconut:1/4cup
    Salt :to taste

    For seasoning:
    Mustard seed: 1tsp
    Red chili :2no
    Curry leaves:4leaves

    Step1: Grate the beetroot into small pieces using a grater.dice the onion into small pieces.split the green chili into two.

    Step 2:Cook the grated beetroot and chili in 4 tbs of water for 5 to 7 minute in medium heat.add salt to taste.

    Step3:Heat oil in a pan,add the mustard seed,once it started spluttering,add the red chili and curry leaves,just add the boiled beetroot into it.

    Step4:Add the crushed garlic,cumin seed and fennel seed into the mix and stir well.

    Step 5:Add the grated coconut into the beetroot mix and stir well.close the pan and cook for 3 minutes in medium heat.garnish with curry leaves.

    The delicious thoran is ready to serve.Have it with rice,add morucurry and pickle sure it would be a delicious meal.

    Points to ponder:
    • Do not add more water for cooking the beetroot.
    • If u do not like to cook the onion with beetroot,just fry it after the seasoning.
    • Do not add more fennel seeds.use just 3or 4

    Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    Mutton Fry/Lamb Fry

    I think some of my friends(blog visitors) have tried the mutton curry was that yummy right? those who didn't try the mutton curry just try this's special is mutton fry,how do u's a very simple and easy one...

     Cooking time:15-20minutes
     Cost of the item :3.99/pound

     Garlic:4 pods of medium size 
     Redchili powder: 1tbs
     Fennel seed :3/4tbs
     Turmeric powder:1/2tsp
     Salt:to taste


    Step1:Make a nice paste of redchili powder,turmeric powder,garlic,fennel seed and salt.just add one tsp of water. it will help to grind the ingredients very nicely.

    Step2:Marinate the mutton with the paste.keep it aside for 30 minutes.

    Step3:In a pressure cooker add the marinated mutton with 1/4 cup of water.just boil it in medium heat for 5-7 minute or until 2 whistle.if the cooked mutton have water in it.  just boil it uncovered until all the water dried up.

    Step4:Heat oil in a pan,add some curry leaves into the oil then add the cooked mutton pieces.fry it until well done or getting the brown color.

    The delicious  mutton fry is ready to eat.have it with rice or chappati.

    Points to ponder:
    • Do not add more than a spoon of water for grinding the ingredients.
    • Just fry the ingredients just before grinding (not garlic)
    • Do not add excess water for boiling the mutton.
    • If you make the fry more spicier add more red chili powder.

    Friday, February 5, 2010

    Mutton Curry/Lamb Curry

    Today's special is Mutton curry. Its a different kind of curry because we are not using any garam masala for the preparation of this delicious curry. Actually i got this recipe from Laksmi nair's cookery show. First i thought it's not a good one so i just skipped that, at last ended up with this one for todays dinner.....For this curry we are not using any fried masala or fried ingredients Usually for non vegetarian dishes we used to fry the ingredients for preparing the masala. One more difference about this curry is we are pressure cooking the whole ingredients not frying or slow cooking.I am so happy because my hus really loved this curry .

    There are two types of Mutton in US. The first one is LAMB which is a common meat and is available in any grocery shop. Actually lamb is our sheep's meat. The second one is GOAT which is hardly find at US grocery shops. It will be available only on halal markets or some Thai/Chinese shops. We don't like Lamb's taste as compared to Goat's. We usually buy the Goat from Halal Market. It has our nattile mutton taste If u like Lamb’s taste u can go with the lamb.... doesn't matter...


    Goat/Lamb : 1/4 kg
    Coriander seeds :2 tbs
    Black pepper seed :1/4 tbs
    Cumin seed : 1/4 tsp
    Turmeric Powder : a pinch
    Pearl onion/Onion : 10 no/medium size
    Ginger : 1 medium size
    Garlic : 5 pods
    Green chili: 2 no
    Fenu greek seed :1/8 tsp

    For Seasoning:
    Mustard Seed :1tsp
    Oil: 3 tsp
    Curry leaves: 4 leaves
    Red chili: 2 no


    1. First Make a nice powder of Coriander seeds Black pepper seeds cumin seed and turmeric powder..
    2. If u have pearl onion peel it off and cut each onion into 2 pieces other wise dice the big onion into very small pieces
    3. Cut the ginger and garlic into small pieces
    4. In a pressure cooker  put the mutton pieces, grind-ed curry powder, onion ginger garlic green chili and the fenugreek seed. add enough salt
    5. Add 1 cup of water .Cook it for 15- 20 minute in medium heat until otherwise the mutton is well cooked
    6. Heat oil in a pan add the mustard seeds ,Once it get splutter add the curry leaves and red chili
    7. then add the cooked mutton curry mix well..
    The Delicious Mutton curry is ready to eat. Have it with rice or chapatti...

    Points to ponder

    • Mutton itself have its own moisture so do not add excess water.
    • If u have pearl onion use that; it will give more taste.
    • Cut the garlic and ginger into small pieces...otherwise crush or make a coarse paste.
    • Check the spicy level, if u like more  spicy then only add the green chili. The curry itself spicy as because we have added the pepper seed in the powder..

    Netholi/Chooda Porichathu or Smelt/Anchovy Fry

    Today I am going to share you the Netholi fry recipe. I have already posted the Netholi peera....If u are not ready to prepare the curry or peera using smelt just try this fry. Its quiet simple and also the fried netholi is really tasty with rice..If you r buying the frozen fish just wash it with the lemon juice. This netholi fry is my husband's favorite, so its a common one in our menu... 
    Netholi : 20 nos 
    Pearl onion/big Onion -15 nos /1/2 portion  
    Turmeric Powder : 1 tsp 
    Chili Powder : 2 tsp 
    Ginger : a small size(optional) 
    Sat - to taste 
    1. dice the onion into small pieces (you skip this step if it is pearl onion).
    2. Crush the onion & Ginger and mix it with turmeric powder chili powder           and salt. 
    3. Marinate the netholi with the paste. Keep it aside for 30minutes-1 hour.. 
    4. Heat oil in  a pan.  In the hot oil add the netholi and fry it for 4 to 5          minute per side until the fish is nicely browned. If u like to use the           oven method for frying the fish just check the  Fish Fry -Oven Method blog for details.
    The mouth watering Netholi porichathu is ready to serve...Have it with rice, if u add any side curry like sambar ,veg curry the meal would be super.. 
    Points to ponder 

    • Do not add water while grinding the mix.. 
    • Use peal onion; It gives more taste to the dish 
    • If you like Black Pepper, use it instead of Chili powder 
    • Ginger is good for digestion so better to include it

    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    Netholi/Chooda/Smelt/Anchovy Peera/Thoran-Dried Coconut curry

    Netholi or Chooda is a small fish, commonly used in kerala. My mom used to prepare the netholi fry, peera and netholi with green mango curry. When we moved to US, i really missed all those dishes as because we hardly find this fish at any store...Finally google told us that our netholi  is anchovy/Smelt..So search goes on... Finally got the frozen smelt in Kroger(one of the grocery shop).Fresh or frozen that doesn't matter ,we used to buy this smelt whenever we feel to eat the "meen peera"...Anyhow both this Smelt and Anchovy are  big enough compared to our "netholi"..The taste is almost same...not as much as our netholis..(It seems that fishes from Arabian Sea are tastier than Atlantic/Pacific, just kidding::)))Nothing is better than something....
    We can use any small fishes (or canned fish chunks) for preparing this peera... For example sardines, canned tuna or salmon etc are very good for this preparation...So if u donot have a chance to get the netholi, try this recipe with any other fishes mentioned above...
    Netholi is really good for health..the small bones and also the meat  have good amount of calcium.
    If u buy fresh one, it's a little time consuming job to clean up the fish.While cleaning cut off the head and tail part and then clean the internal part also.Then wash it using lemon juice..I usually cut the cleaned netholi into 2 or 3 pieces .. (The frozen ones are comes with cleaned...). Peera will be more tastier with smaller pieces.

    Cooking time : 20-30 minutes
    Cost of the item: 4.99 usd/bag

    Smelt/Netholi/Anchovy(cleaned and cut into small piece) : 20nos
    Coconut  :1/2 cup
    Green chili : 5 nos split into 2 piece
    Ginger  : 1 medium size
    Curry leaves : 6 leaves
    Shallots/Onion:6 nos /1/2 portion of a medium sized diced
    Oil : 2 tsp
    Kokum or kudam puli : a small piece (optional)
    Water : 1 cup
    1. First lightly crush the onion and ginger.
    2. Mix the coconut,crushed ginger onion, split green chili and curry leaves and the kudam puli
    3. Add the netholi pieces into it 
    4. Heat a pan add the mix into it .Pour 1 cup of water to the mix 
    5. Let it boil for about 15- 20 minute in medium flame
    6. Stir in between..once the water dried up add the oil into it then switch of the flame let it cool down for sometime.
    The delicious "Netholi peera" is ready to eat..Have it with Rice...

    Tips  to go:
    • You can  soak the puli in one cup of water and use that water for cooking instead of adding the water puli separately...
    • Do not add excess water...
    • Better avoid to stir the mix using the spoon .Just close the pan and hold the handle then rotate the whole pan. this will help to avoid separating the fish-bone and meat.

    Monday, February 1, 2010

    Orange Habanero Chilly Peppers- Try it you 'll love it.....


    The "Orange habanero" chilly -this for the spicy food lovers

    Try this in any of your recipe...It has a unique taste. In kerela, we used to call this as "Unda Mulaku"

    If you add this chilly pepper instead of our usual green chilly in chicken curry  you can enjoy a new version of chicken curry with a unique taste.Everyone used to say that they are tired of the same chicken curry recipe...and want to try something new..So just add this chilly you can serve a super hot and delicious curry to your family members...

    The hot level of this chile is 10+.but don't  worry ..the hot taste is enjoyable...

    Its available in almost all grocery shop and the cost of this item is 2.99/pound

    Try it you 'll love it.....